Admit it, tennis players. You’ve done at least one of these klutzy things on the court. If you haven’t, congratulations on being the most graceful person alive.
1. Tripped over a tennis ball.

2. Ran into the back fence while trying to get a deep shot.

3. Slightly punctured yourself while taking your racket back on a serve.

4. Ran into the net while sprinting up to get a short ball.

5. Hit your doubles partner with a serve.

6. Accidentally hit someone in the face with your racket.

7. Shanked a ball over the fence, hitting a car, tree or person.

8. Whiffed an overhead.

9. Nicked your ankle while following through on a serve.

10. Had your racket inexplicably fly out of your hands.

11. Repeatedly hit a ball onto the court next to yours.

12. Accidentally pegged someone with a tennis ball.

13. Put a tennis ball in your pocket/spandex only to have it fall out during the middle of a point.

14. Served on the wrong side.
