We would like to welcome Beckie L. from North Wilkesboro, NC, to the MyTennisLessons team. We pride ourselves on bringing on not only quality instructors, but quality people as well, which is why we are so excited to have Beckie … Continued
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Who Would Make Your Celebrity Tennis Team?
A few times in my life I’ve been asked: “If you could invite 10 celebrities to dinner, who would you choose?” I’ve always had a difficult time answering this question because there are a lot of celebrities I’d like to … Continued
Play Local: Nashville Knows Tennis
While you might think everyone in Music City spends their days strumming a guitar, many Nashvillians much prefer the sound of a tennis ball coming off their racket strings. I grew up playing junior tennis tournaments in Nashville, TN, and … Continued
Coaching Tip Tuesday: Conquering the Fear of Failure
For 10 years, through prep school and college, I spent the weeks following Thanksgiving preparing for final exams. While many people in their first year out of school are relieved to have finally escaped this academic rite of passage, I … Continued