Instructor Login, Student Management, & Availability Guide
Welcome to the MTL Instructor Scheduling & Login Guide! This guide will help you schedule lessons, change availability, manage your students, and edit your profile. If at any point you have questions or would like personal help setting up your instructor profile, please feel free to call us at 866.454.2747.
Table of Contents
- To login to your profile click “Log In” found at the top right of the home page and every page found on the website. The direct URL is http://mytennislessons.com/signin
- Input your email address
- Input the custom password used when you applied with MTL
- You will find yourself on “Your MTL Dashboard”
- Reset Your Password: To reset your password you also visit the sign in page. To do so, click the “Reset Password” link found under the “Log In” button.
- On the following page input the email address you use with MTL and click “Reset Password”.
- By clicking this button, you will receive an email from MTL. In this email click the link present in the email. On that page simply input your new password and confirm the password. Click “Update Password”
- Here on “Your MTL Dashboard” you have the ability to “Schedule”, “Confirm”, and “Reschedule” lessons. You can access your Dashboard at any time if you click on the “Lessons” tab found to the left of the screen (Shown Below).
- In the screen shot below there is a subheader titled “New Students”. Displayed is a student that has booked lessons yet has not yet been confirmed by you the instructor. Once you have contacted the student (contact info highlighted below), introduced yourself, and set up the initial lesson, and click the “Accept” button. This alerts us of your intention to conduct the lessons. If you will be unable to conduct the lessons for any reason contact us, not the student, immediately.
- Once all students have been confirmed your Instructor Dashboard will appear as it does below. Some minor features include the ability to switch the calendar view from “Day”, to “Week”, or to “Month” which is highlighted to the top left of the calendar, as well as the ability to scroll between days, weeks, or months using the arrows highlighted to the top right of the calendar.
- The main function of the Instructor Dashboard is to “Schedule”, and when it has been conducted, “Confirm” said lesson. To begin this process click on the large blue “Schedule” button to the right of the Instructor Dashboard (highlighted below).
- When you click on the “Schedule” button a pop-up will appear. Highlighted below are the fields that need to be filled before the lesson can be scheduled.
- The first step is to click on the box right below “Student:”. You can either scroll through a dropdown of students to select the particular one you are looking to schedule a lesson with or you can begin to type the students name, as shown below.
- Next, click on the clock button found next to the time displayed, as shown below. By either clicking the arrows or using the directional arrows on your keyboard, input the correct time of the lesson and click “OK”
- The next step is to select the correct date of the lessons. If you click on the “Date” box a calendar will appear allowing you to select the correct lesson date. The calendar will disappear once you click a particular date
- The final step in scheduling a lesson is to click on the drop down underneath “Lesson length (minutes):” revealing a variety of times lengths in which you can select. Once you select the correct lesson length click the green “Schedule” button to schedule.
- Once you have scheduled a lesson it will appear on your calendar under the corresponding date and time as shown below. The lesson appears as blue because it a lesson that has been scheduled for a future date, which is reiterated in the legend below the calendar.
- To reschedule a lesson you must click on the lesson on the calendar you which to reschedule. A pop-up box will appear with the necessary information needed to reschedule which includes the date, time, and lesson length. If you are having trouble with any of these fields refer to point 5 under the category “Scheduling Lessons” where these processes are explained. Once all fields are completed click the “Reschedule” button.
- If you wish to cancel the lesson all together click the “Cancel Lesson” button
- Once a lesson has been scheduled and the date of that lesson has passed it will turn red on the calendar as well as appear under the subheader “Unconfirmed Lessons”. This is shown below.
- When you click on either the link under “Unconfirmed Students” or the red student name on the calendar a pop-up will appear that allows you to “Confirm Lesson”, “Reschedule Lesson”, or “Cancel Lesson”
- Once the lesson has been confirmed we will be alerted that you need to be paid and it will also appear yellow on your calendar. Also, all past lessons that you have been paid for will appear on the calendar as green. As you can see below once the lesson has been confirmed it is also removed from the “Unconfirmed Students” list.
The only way for us to know that a lesson has been conducted is by confirming lessons in this manner. You don’t confirm a lesson, we don’t know to pay you. You don’t get paid, you get sad. It’s quite simple.
- The next tab to the left is the“Students” tab. In this tab all of your current and past students are listed
- Below, you can see to the far right column how many lessons remain in a particular students lesson package
- By clicking on a students name a drop down will appear. It will display “Lesson Scheduled”, “Lesson Completed”, and “Lesson Paid”. As you can see below, the lessons corresponding date, time, and length are displayed as well.
- The following tab to the left is the“Availability” tab. Here you are able to set your availability so that students can book lessons only during times that you are available to teach
- It is important to remember to select the correct time zone
- To set or change availability, simply click on the correct time under the correct day of the week. Green represents a time when you are open to teach
- Once you have selected your availability click the “Update” button which is found underneath the calendar.
Congratulations, you are now ready to use the MyTennisLessons Instructor Platform! If you have any questions, or need additional help setting up your schedule, feel free to call us at 866.454.2747.