Love Them or Hate Them, Quirks and Superstitions Are a Part of Modern Tennis

We love watching tennis on TV or live for the skill and competitiveness on display, but sometimes a players routine or on court demeanor can be both bothersome and entertaining. Like a baseball player in the batters box, each player has unique quirks on the court which gives them some added personality.

Depending on the player, their special routines and habits sometimes take time and in turn aggravate their opponent and can cause time penalties. For those players however, these routines are ingrained in their game to the point where it is the only way they know how to play. For them it is what makes them comfortable on the court even if it irritates the opponent, or even the viewer. Here are some of the most noteworthy habits among tennis’ best players.

Even though Marion Bartoli retired last year after winning her first and only Wimbledon title, she’ll be remembered for more than just her late career breakthrough. Many, specifically former competitors, will remember her for her, some may say, insolent routine in between rallies. Once she got a second between rallies she started bouncing up and down behind the baseline while imitating her strokes. Basically, her father and coach, Walter, indoctrinated upon her her these movements on the court in order for her to get lighter and quicker on her feet. No matter when or where she played you always could see her going through these unique exercises.

If you think Bartoli’s routines are odd you should take a look at Rafael Nadal, who may be the most superstitious player on tour. When you watch him play you may not notice all of his quirks but once you know what they are they are hard to miss. It is not difficult to overlook Rafa placing his water bottles every single time in the exact same way during a changeover. He always brings two water bottles to a match, takes sips from both of them and then returns them to the same place over and over again.

He is such a person of habit that – in between points – he also never steps on the lines, that is not before or after points. If you concentrate on his moves on the court, you will notice that he  adjusts his steps right before crossing the lines. In addition to that, Rafa makes sure that his right foot crosses the line first. Who knows, those strange habits might be the reason why he is one of the best and not his unparalleled athleticism, mobility and shotmaking.

What started with a fashion statement (brushing away her strands of hair), quickly became a part of Maria Sharapova’s integrated routine every time before she serves. It is mainly a mental thing since she also usually turns her back on the opponents she is playing and focus on the racket strings. Afterwards she walks to the baseline, lightly bounces on the spot and brushes off the strands of her hair. Finally to complete her routine, she bounces the ball twice and then serves. Novak Djokovic, by the way, masters to imitate her routine perfectly.

Novak Djokovic, shouldn’t poke fun however, because he also has a habit he relies on the entire match. Every time he steps up to the line to serve he bounces the ball usually 10 times or more before hitting the ball. Occasionally, he extends his routine up to 25 times which takes a bit of time and now and again will be an irritant for opponents and spectators alike.


Little tennis fanatic with a German accent and a crush on Rafael Nadal. Her mission is to fill the MTL Social Media space with life!
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