Poll: How Do You Talk Tennis?

We all talk differently. In the South we say “y’all,” in the North we say “you guys,” and apparently in Pittsburgh, they say “yinz.” (Don’t say that.) MyTennisLessons is a nationwide company, composed of tennis players and coaches from all over the country, so we suspect that not only does your everyday language vary, but also the language that you use to talk tennis. With this in mind, we decided to poll our readers and find out how y’all call score and what you guys call a racket. See how your answers measure up to the rest of the tennis playing population.


I grew up in a tennis family with three younger sisters as doubles partners. If you enjoyed a blog post of mine or want to know more, feel free to email me at avery@mytennislessons.com. Thanks for reading and staying connected with MyTennisLessons!
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