All tennis players know the relationship between doubles partners is a bond unlike any other. Sometimes you work perfectly together and other times you get annoyed with each other, but you always have your partner’s back. It’s only appropriate to explain your friendship using the complicated and varied friendships from The Office.
When you proudly execute your dorky handshake.

When your partner is down on themselves and you give them a pep talk.

When the official overrules your opponents’ call

When you tell them how you really feel after they volleyed that shot that was sailing out.

When you make an argument over who gets to play the forehand side.

When your partner misses an easy shot.

When you accidentally peg one of your opponents with an overhead.

When your partner double faults to lose the game and you want them to know it’s okay.

When you’re on a water break and trying to come up with a strategy.

When you disagree what the strategy should be.

When your partner tells you to stop coaching them during a match and you get offended.

When your court movement is perfectly in sync.

When you win.

And when you want them to know how awesome they are.
