Here’s a look back at the blog posts that were fun for me to write and fun for you to read in 2014.
#10 The Banana Blog: Do Bananas Have Appeal?

What it’s about
“Bananas are a pathetic fruit,” Andy Murray lamented to the press six years ago. This year he had a change of heart telling reporters, “I think I’ve said somewhere in the past that I don’t like bananas. Well, I can update you — if I mush it up and put it on a bagel, it’s fine!” Why does tennis have such a love-hate relationship with the banana? Why is it the snack of choice for pros including Nadal, Djokovic and Sharapova? This blog post breaks down the banana’s basics so you can decide what snack you really want to put in your racket bag the next time you hit the court.
Why I like it
I actually don’t like bananas, but it was fun for me to research them. Secretly I was hoping to find evidence that bananas aren’t so good for you, but like most things, there are pros and cons to banana consumption. That’s a win-win for both lovers and haters of this disgusting, mushy, weird-tasting food.
#9 Nice Day for a Tennis Whites Wedding

What it’s about
Tennis always starts with love, but in the case of six couples, love started with tennis. “I was so excited, I showed up with, like, a dozen refreshments for her ,” one groom told Martha Stewart Weddings about the first time he played tennis with his future wife. While a tennis-themed wedding may seem tacky at first thought, this couple, along with others featured in this blog post, beautifully incorporated the sport that brought them together into their day of celebration.
Why I like it
I found the trend of planning one’s wedding on Pinterest bizarre at first, but out of curiosity I started looking online for pictures of tennis-themed weddings, and couldn’t help but create a Pinterest board from the many lovely photographs I found. From there I started researching the stories behind each wedding and they were really sweet. Ugh, so sappy, I know.
#8 5 Reasons Tennis Players Are Perpetually Single

What it’s about
A spin-off of Janet’s wildly popular blog posts “5 Reasons You Should Date a Tennis Player“and “7 Reasons You Shouldn’t Date a Tennis Player,” this article, published on Thought Catalog, aims to provide an explanation to tennis players who are single. You’re a selfish, disagreeable perfectionist who has an attitude problem and really bad tan lines. Yep, that’s definitely why you’re single.
Why I like it
It’s slightly mean, which is my preferred attitude.
#7 10 Reasons Why Roger Federer is Frat

What it’s about
Roger Federer seems like the sweetest, most humble guy on the tour, but somehow he’d make the perfect frat bro. A parody of “10 Reasons Why Harry Potter is Frat,” this blog post received mixed reviews, but was one of our most popular this year. Don’t take it too seriously, guys; we obviously all idolize Fed.
Why I like it
Federer is my favorite player in the ATP so I wanted to write something dedicated to him. No, it’s not as eloquent as “Federer as Religious Experience,” by David Foster Wallace, but I’m pretty sure no one has ever compared the former world no. 1 to a frat bro before, so I’ll take credit for being a pioneer. Also, I was quite impressed that the post stirred such a reaction in one reader that he/she said, “Whoever wrote this needs to get backhanded by Federer with a rolex made of rusty nails.” Good one, sir/ma’am.
#6 10 Tennis Player Friends Everyone Has

What it’s about
The guy who’s clowning around during your tennis lesson. The player who throws his racket the second he loses a point. The friend who says “Good try!” when you miss. Every tennis player can relate to the people found on this list and many readers had fun pointing out to their fellow tennis fanatics which “tennis friend” they were.
Why I like it
Every person on this list is based off of someone I knew growing up playing tennis. I spent a good chunk of the day that I wrote this reflecting on the highs and lows of the junior tennis circuit. Ah, nostalgia.
#5 ‘Twas the Night Before the Tennis Tournament

What it’s about
A tennis coach called Nick who very much resembles “a little old driver so lively and quick.” This one’s for the poetry lovers.
Why it like it
Fun fact about me: I really like parodying songs and poems — a joy I realized in elementary school when I performed in front of my class a rendition of the cheerleading chant from “Bring it On” to explain the layers of the atmosphere. (“I said: brr… It’s cold in here. We must be in the mes-os-phere.”) Talented, right?
#4 A Swing and a Miss? MyTennisLessons Holiday Pinterest Fails
The MyTennisLessons team took a break from work to create some tennis-themed holiday crafts straight from the Pinterest boards. The results will move you, for better or worse.
Why I like it
I’m a fan of glitter, crafting, taking an obnoxious amount of photos with my phone and quoting people in true journalistic fashion, all which are included in this blog post.
#3 Tennis: The Mario Way
What it’s about
The team took another break this summer to test out tennis video games, specifically Mario Tennis. The review has everything from best and worst characters to most effective shots. The best part of the blog post is by far the video, which includes incredibly high-tech slo mo and sound effects.
Why I like it
The winning and losing reactions in the video are priceless (and if you think that’s absurd, you should watch them play ping-pong.) Personally, I think it’s the best review that has ever been written about Mario Tennis.
#2 The Prettiest Tennis Court in Every State

What it’s about
Scroll through more than 100 photos of gorgeous tennis facilities in each of the 50 states and Washington, D.C. From grassy fields in Iowa, to mountainous views in Virginia, to sunny beaches in Hawaii, you’ll find a few courts to add to your bucket list of places to visit.
Why I like it
I like travel and pretty places, so it was a pleasant day researching tennis courts across the United States for this blog post. The post was also something that appealed to tennis players across the nation as no doubt many were familiar with a few of the facilities on the list. But I think we all can agree there’s no court like your home court. P.S. I couldn’t resist including mine in Tennessee on the list.
#1 5 Reasons Employers Should Hire Tennis Players

What it’s about
You’re self-motivated and you work hard. You’re flexible and can solve problems. Most of all, you’re passionate about what you do. Sound like a dream employee? This LinkedIn article describes how tennis players innately possess some of the top characteristics desired by hiring managers.
Why I like it
More people engaged with this post than anything else I wrote in 2014 and it has been great to see readers’ feedback in comments and emails (though not all positive), which have continued to come in since the article was published three months ago. My favorite response I received was from a former tennis player and teaching pro who told me he incorporated the five reasons into an job interview. What a cool thing to realize how this sport can have an impact on our lives in so many different ways.